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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Part 2: Karma - The 3 Categories of 'Why Bad Things Happen?',

Part 2. Karma
Why Bad Things Happen?

By Swami Nostrumananda
(Rev. Dr. Devi Nostrum)
December 15th, 2010

Invocation for Enlightenment:
Bhur bhuvah swaha,
Om tat savitur varenayam.
Bhargo devasya dhimahi,
dhiyo yon aha prachodayat,

(We meditate on the Supreme Effulgence
of the Three Universes.
May It enlighten our consciousness).
This is a continuation of the last posting where I introduced the '3 Categories of Why Bad Things Happen'. The postulate being that all humanly conceivable experiences of pain & suffering can be distilled down, (or up, as a matter of perspective), to 3 broad, transcendent words: Karma, Dharma and Parinama.  These are Sanskrit terms right out of the ancient Hindu Vedic scriptures, which are tens of thousands of years old. Sanskrit or any other holy words of scripture, which are bestowed with Grace, are like zip.doc files.  Sitting in silence and stillness with a single Sutra word or Mantra unzips and downloads volumes of wisdom for the opened heart and tranquil mind to install and activate positive, empowering synchronicities in our lives. 
(EDITORIAL NOTE: parinama vada = transformational theory, change, evolution, ripening, whereas Prapanna/prapatti = the ability to realize; one who has surrendered one's self to God; a seeker of God; complete & absolute surrender.  Sanskrit. Both terms are implied as the 3rd Category of ‘surrendering to change by Gods Will’.).

Book Knowledge Alone is not a Path to God:

 I have found in my comparative religions and cultural anthropology studies that where the Bible, Torah, etc., offers laws, decrees, and images of earthly Man and heavenly Father, it does not articulate well how to get from here to there.  The philosophy of true religions necessarily includes the science of how spiritual form & function work in technical terms. 
When we understand and have courage in testing the psychological and energetic mechanics of personal salvation, nothing can stop us from having meaningful experiences of soul cleansing redemption. Take for instance the 10 Commandments, and concepts like Original Sin.  Each term is like a zip. file, a 'How To' manual for returning to ones body in the present moment and empowering it to heal, purify and find eternal happiness.  Like a computer zip. file in the mind, a device is required to unlock its contents.  For humans, it is meditation. Nothing else works. Who/what installs the ‘zip-unlocker’?  Some would say their religious scriptures are all that is needed. But how can a bunch of zipped files unlock themselves? Equally so is the dilemma of how to awakening the Living Truth of God’s Word, in scripture, or otherwise.

The answer is a paradox of simultaneous correct self-effort exercised by the Mind requiring action, versus correct Heart-centered meditation requiring stillness and silence.  This is the secret Yin/Yang mechanism that unlocks and downloads the divine essence, the very God Vibration of not only the scriptural word but the 4 other true sources of God.  A subtle combination of correct understandings of scriptural knowledge, divine intercession in the form of transmitted Grace/ Holy Spirit, and a vector, or catalyst in the form of a qualified spiritual preceptor, either living or in spirit, is required, however, for correct self-effort of spiritual disciplines, and correct meditation/ prayer skills.  Remember, the philosophy and science of finding God is technically delicate and subtle, requiring intense and perpetual focus. So, here, as a Spiritual Preceptor, i.e. vector and catalyst, while we are not sitting face to face over a fire & under the stars, or in a physical temple, the Ancient Ones are with you in sacred space nonetheless, summoning divine intercession and Sanatana Dharma (Eternal Truths),  to bring home the mystery of:  1. Karma:  'You Sow what you Reap'.

Category 1. Karma, Domino Effect & Original Sin:
Some of you may have caught the heading in the subject line yesterday in the introduction posting. No, it was not a mistake, not only is karma synonymous with the English axiom of 'You reap what you sow', the reverse is true too! Not only is it true, but it is incredibly important to understand how the latter happens, as it explains the Old Testament concept of Original Sin and the root cause of how it has perpetuated through the ages from Adam and Eve to you and me this very moment.  Paradoxically, the axiom is also an example of the universal law of Karma.  Karmic Law of ‘Cause and Effect’ is intimately involved in vanquishing Original Sin, where we, as the Prodigal Son, come back home to the Father. That, however, will be for the next posted lesson. (Consider this a HINT for the Lesson Homework Assignment, below, for IBASI Students and all those who wish to participate through  - Study Group and the portal to the Chakra-Ascension Study Group on line at )

A Little Story called  'Original Sin -  Domino Effect'
Imagine a line of dominoes. Let 1 line split into 2, then 4, then 16, and so on. Tip one
over and it topples the next one, and so on. Originally, each domino was in its own body-of-space and holding its own integrity, but when the cascade of toppling started, each one eventually 'invaded' another’s space, and automatically went down. If each human was a domino, then Divine Intercession tipped the first domino over and it was 'the domino effect' that carried this 'Original Sin' to the last ones, you and me.  This may explain the mechanics of how Original Sin has travelled through the ages to the present moment, but let’s put this into more human psycho-spiritual terms.

We all understand it when someone says, ' I get a bad vibe' from him/her/situation. We all have had experiences when another person has 'gotten in our space' with their words & behaviors - usually without any physical contact at all.  The experience is still very physical, especially to introverts and those naturally or trained intuitives - the 'sensitive types'. The very interesting thing that happens in that instant is that the offended person, ( person A), has literally moved some or his/her 'body' of space into another persons' 'body' of space, person B.  The offending person A  didn't know this happened, it happened so quickly, and invisibly. Why? Because person A has also been 'offended' and has lost much of their own space.
Remember, we are now talking about Human Dominos smack in the middle or the very end of the Domino Effect.  By now, it has become a cumulatively massive, powerful wave of force that is truly difficult to fight against. Person B didn't fully perceive that happening either, he/she just took on someone's space (A), forever, and just lost some of their own space forever, and they are both clueless! The sad thing is that this domino-toppling wave is not unidirectional, nor is it painless.  Losing bits and pieces of our power, integrity and self-will is very painful, yet not immediately obvious.   With its cascading effect of bouncing wave forms,the Karma of ‘You reap what you sow’ is in full force. Imagine many rain-drops and their colliding rings in a pool of water.  This is not a peaceful scene! With each ‘toppling collision’ a person losses more and more of their sovereign divine power, access to their Greater Self and therefore more and more of their innate brilliance,  intelligence, creativity, resourcefulness, & love and reverence for all life.
‘I’ and ‘Mine’ are born:
The Bhagavad Gita reveals the mechanics of how this happens: “ for a person dwelling on the objects of the senses, an attachment to them is born, ( ‘I’ and ‘Mine’ is created in the instant one loses the integrity of Self-in-All and ownership of attachments is born).  From (the cords of ) attachment (through the 5 external and internal sense organs), desire is born, (karmic stickiness); from desire, anger is born. From anger arises delusion (loss of ability to discern authentic self) and loss of memory (of authentic self); from loss of memory, destruction of discrimination, ( loss of ability for insight…the falling of the ‘domino into others’ space begins), from destruction of discrimination one is lost.(domino falls invasively into others, loss of personal space & power, perpetuating the cycle).(BG 2:62-63).  Then God explains to Arjuna the Warrior King, “I am not manifest to all those who are enveloped (covered in the foreign energy-information of others), in the workings of Maya (resulting delusion, ignorance).  This deluded world does not recognize Me, the birthless and immortal.(ones’ authentic Self)” (BG 7:25).

Each person who invades their space into others, triggers an avalanche where these others, who are now more compromised, ungrounded, no longer their full, authentic beautiful self, are toppling each other again and again from all sides, over and over, and it goes on and on! OMG!  Perhaps Zombie movies are so appealing because somewhere deep inside we recognize this energetic dynamic - it's so obvious - but not really, right?  Not until it's way too late. 

Woe is the human family. Do the opening chapters of the Bhagavad Gita make more sense now? Why did God come down to the Warrior King, Arjuna, to explain why it was necessary for him to go into battle and viciously kill all his brothers and sisters, nephews, cousins and uncles, who were all there, the entire clan on the battlefield waiting to kill him?  Perhaps they have all misplaced themselves in each other so much that they can no longer recognize themselves or each other from the true enemy anymore?  Perhaps, they are all symbolic of the different non-Self entities within Arjuna himself that he must do battle against in order to find God within?  Hmm?  Why in the Bible did the Son of God tell Matthew (10:24) that He shall take out His sword and have daughter fight mother, son fight father? Think about it. Why in the Koran/Old Testament, God says, 'An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth'. (disclaimer - I am loosely quoting here, lol).
Karmic Phlegm and Samskaras:
Swami Muktananda says, “ There is the mother called Maya, and she makes you forget everything.  She has six children, who keep you away from God all the time.  These children are: desire, anger, greed, jealousy, pride and infatuation.” These inner tendencies are the Christian vices which ensnare us into believing we are incomplete, different and separate, lonely beings, robbing us of tremendous personal space and personal power, obscuring our self-worth, purity and integrity.   Some systems of belief regard Karma and Maya as purely action, others purely energetic/unmanifest, and others, as a form of matter. In truth, all 3 forms exist in unison.  

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, for example,  a pathological condition called, ‘Phlegm’ which is an actual energetic substance, can settle into meridians, joints and organs like the heart and lungs, causing everything from mental disorders like Bipolar Disorder to Arthritis, Strokes and Insomnia. ‘Phlegm, and the impurities of the Po, create karma-filled latencies of the incarnated soul.  Like Hindu samskaras, these are mind-body impurities that are a result of external energies invading our personal space, obscuring harmonious well-being and inducing latent mental-emotional disorders, physical diseases and more insidious Karmic Action.
The Blooming of Latent Tendencies:
 In Chakra Levesl 1-3, Lokavasana is th dominant  karmic latency causing one to think, ‘this is mine, my country, my tradition, my culture’. In Chakra Levels 4-5, the greatest challenge is the karmic latency of Dehavasana, making one think, oneself to be of ‘such and such age, young or old, and ambitiously desire the full span of life with health, strength and good looks. Generally thoughts pertaining to the body and body status indicate these latencies. Next must be effaced the latencies connected with the objects of the senses (vishayavasana) such as sound, sight, etc, and the ravenous chasing and ‘hooking into’ objects by the 5 external sense organs, (hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, smelling), and 5 inner or psychic senses, such as clairvoyance and clairsentience.  Next all latencies connected with cording attachments via wrong identity, (viparita vasana), and the sense of differentiation, (bheda vasana), must be mastered. Chakra Levels 5-6 are challenged most by these most subtle yet difficult and insidious karmic tendency.  Though the senses are restrained, yet the mind always thinks of objects: ‘there is that; there is this; it is such and such; it is this-wise or otherwise’ and so on.

The Effects on Health & Sanity:
Add to this that after about 72 hours, the human body can no longer recognize foreign energy as any different from itself, and can no longer 'shake off' this thing that has attached itself to it, like an invading parasite.  From here the 'invaded' body who has lost some of themselves, perhaps forever, (that would be everyone, by now), recognizes that this particular (foreign)  part of itself is not meshing, not working with the rest of the system. 
 It begins to try to heal this foreign energy, but that is not possible because it is intrinsically foreign.  So much life-force is taken up that the rest of the body begins to get out of balance & harmony, and eventually 'dis-ease' and illness comes to the 'Offended-toppled-Offender-who Offends & is Offended again-and-again'.   Do we wonder why there is so much irrational, insane, nay - sinful - behavior from mankind these days  - from the beginning of days, to the end-of-days?

Swami Nostrumananda
(Rev.Dr. Devi Nostrum)
Copyright 2010-11. IBASI Healing Ministries. Contact for Permissions.


  1. very nice .hope u teach about karma and sin for me clearly in facebook

  2. Namaskar Shaligram from Nepal! Thank you kindly for the comment and excellent question. As you know, mantra jappa with holy rudraksha bead mala, for example, with correct knowledge, is a way to negate karma from sin. :)
    Please do come by and say 'hello' in fb at 'Swami Nostrumanada - Study Group" in the 'chat with group' or repost this question in the study group so we can satsang there with the students there.
    ~~~ OM Namah Shivaya ~~~


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