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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nostrumananda Commentary on Chidakash Gita, Verses 111-112

Supreme Self is Sat-Chit-Ananda

     Verse 111. SAT is the one, indivisible. It is the one "subtle" which is everlasting. CHIT is always changing.

Verse 112. When the "SAT" unites with "CHIT", the result is Ananda. This Ananda is the Satchitananda, Sri Nityananda, Sri Paramananda. Union of Jiva and Paramatma is Ananda, Yogananda, Paramananda, Satchitananda and Brahmananda.

     Swami Nostrumananda's Commentary:
1.   This entire cosmos is in truth, One Consciousness, God the Highest SelfConsciousness is that One which is the intelligent, gradient interplay of potential energy vs manifest energy, or vibration.  Vibration forms light and light forms sound, matter, time and space through its 5 ACTS of 1. Creation, 2. Sustenance, 3. Dissolution, 4. Revelation and 5. Concealment.  All creation is therefore a gradient Play of Supreme Consciousness as the 5 acts of energy and vibration. This gradient interplay being at once transcendent and imminent,  ‘as above, so below’, therefore, it follows:

2.     That in Mankind, Light is Knowledge and Darkness is Ignorance and the only goal of those who seek truth and wisdom, is to ‘Know Thy Highest Self’. Knowing this to be true, it follows:

3.     Mental Attention gathers your creative energy as light. Mental Intention focuses it like a laser. As above so below, therefore light quanta are packets of information, wisdom & Knowledge, and we are able to discern the gradients of vibration & energy as variations of light and are able to perform the 5 actions of creation, sustenance, dissolution, revelation and concealment.  

4.     With this then, we traverse the gradient cosmic play of Supreme Consciousness, from the dark & densest into the light & subtlest; where the densest Self merges with the Highest Self and we come to Knowest Thine Self as Sat-Chit-Ananda, Pure Existence, Supreme Consciousness and Divine Bliss.